ruby on rails_Ruby on Rails在市场开发中的重要地位
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How do you know that it’s time for you to launch your online marketplace? When do you see the necessity to provide the ultimate clear and fast “brand – consumer” communications? The point of an online marketplace is to grow customers loyalty by offering them an ever-expanding range of products.

您怎么知道是时候启动您的在线市场了? 您何时看到有必要提供最终清晰,快速的“品牌-消费者”沟通? 在线市场的重点是通过为客户提供不断扩展的产品范围来提高他们的忠诚度。

A brand, whether online or not, must use its reputation and expertise to make its marketplace successful.


Let's take a look at the benefits of marketplaces and the reliability of Ruby on Rails as the strongest development tool.

让我们看一下市场的优势以及作为最强大的开发工具的Ruby on Rails的可靠性。

什么是市场? (What is The Marketplace?)

When Pierre Omidyar launched the eBay project in 1995, he, without even knowing it, became the founder of the marketplace. On the site, he gathered collectors and those who were willing to pay for rare things.

皮埃尔·奥米迪亚(Pierre Omidyar)在1995年启动eBay项目时,他甚至不知道它是市场的创始人。 在现场,他聚集了收藏​​家和那些愿意为稀有物品付费的人。

The first sale on eBay is a broken laser pointer for $ 14. The man who offered the lot from childhood collected pointers. And no matter how surprising the proposals sometimes seemed, everyone responded to the audience. Hence the company's slogan: “When it's on your mind, it's on eBay”. The very idea is to create conditions for consumers to meet with suppliers, it became the foundation for the definition of marketplace.

在eBay上的第一笔交易是售价为14美元的折断的激光笔。 无论这些提议有时看起来多么令人惊讶,每个人都对听众做出了回应。 因此,该公司的口号是:“当您想到时,它就在eBay上”。 这个主意是为消费者创造与供应商会面的条件,它成为定义市场的基础。

A marketplace is a market square, place of trade. Marketing deals are a place where you can meet, negotiate, conclude contracts, cooperate with all interested market participants. A classic example of an online trading platform is the Freelance Exchange. Customers can find contractors for the required work, and contractors can find clients and get paid orders. All processes are solved as quietly and quickly as possible.

市场是市场广场,贸易场所。 营销交易是一个您可以与所有感兴趣的市场参与者会面,谈判,订立合同以及合作的地方。 在线交易平台的经典示例是Freelance Exchange。 客户可以找到所需工作的承包商,承包商可以找到客户并获得已付款的订单。 尽可能安静,快速地解决所有过程。

For the B2B business, the digital marketplace brings even more benefits and opportunities. For example, Alibaba.com a centralized platform in which retailers and wholesalers can find partners and instantly make a deal. Before the advent of this service, merchants had to independently search on the Internet for suppliers and manufacturers of Chinese goods.

对于B2B业务而言,数字市场带来了更多的利益和机会。 例如,阿里巴巴(Alibaba.com)是一个集中式平台,零售商和批发商可以在其中找到合作伙伴并立即进行交易。 在这项服务出现之前,商人不得不在互联网上独立搜索中国商品的供应商和制造商。

Travis Kalanik and Garrett Camp tried in vain to catch a taxi in Paris when the city was covered with snow. Then they got an idea: how it would be convenient to press a button on mobile and see empty cars in the vicinity. In March 2009, they realized the idea in America, in 2010 they reached the international level.

特拉维斯·卡拉尼克(Travis Kalanik)和加勒特·坎普(Garrett Camp)徒劳地试图在巴黎被雪覆盖的情况下在巴黎乘出租车。 然后他们有了一个主意:按下移动设备上的按钮并查看附近的空车将有多方便。 在2009年3月,他们在美国实现了这一想法,在2010年,他们达到了国际水平。

Uber has become one of the popular marketplaces in the services market — it helps to find transport in different cities of the world (more than 450). Users track the route of the taxi and pay for travel through the mobile application. Following the example of this company, others have appeared where you can hire a nanny for your child, find a gardener to mow a lawn or a veterinarian who will cure a dog.

优步已成为服务市场上最受欢迎的市场之一-它有助于在世界上不同的城市(超过450个)中找到交通工具。 用户跟踪出租车的路线并通过移动应用程序支付旅行费用。 在这家公司的榜样之后,其他人出现了,您可以在这里为您的孩子聘请保姆,找园丁修剪草坪,或者找可以治狗的兽医。

If you do not understand why marketplaces won the Internet, think from the user's point of view that it’s simpler:


  • Search for things online or search engine site eBay?

  • Save the phone reliable taxi services or use the Uber application?

  • Sell an old laptop on the market or place an ad on Olx?

  • Rent a room on the official website of the hotel or choose an apartment on Airbnb?


The principle of operation of modern marketplaces implies excellent opportunities for developing their own business based on them. Compared with the "classic" start, it will cost less. If we want sellers to place and sell their goods. Some marketing opportunities have the function of secure payments, as well as provide a chance to manage the remnants of goods in stock, all, like real online stores.

现代市场的运作原理意味着在此基础上发展自己的业务的绝佳机会。 与“经典”启动相比,它将花费更少。 如果我们希望卖家放置和出售他们的商品。 一些营销机会具有安全付款的功能,并提供了管理库存货物剩余物的机会,所有这些都像真实的在线商店一样。

使用Marketplace的主要原因 (The Main Reasons Using Marketplace)

To decide the need to expand the business, need to learn about the advantages of working with marketplaces. Here are some examples.

要决定扩大业务的需要,需要了解与市场合作的优势。 这里有些例子。

受众扩展 (Audience expansion)

The reason that most influences the profit is getting new customers who for some reason decided not to use the site. The reason may be mistrust, poor design, lack of adaptive layout and much more.

影响利润最大的原因是吸引新客户,他们出于某种原因决定不使用该网站。 原因可能是不信任,不良的设计,缺乏自适应布局等等。

清仓大甩卖 (Clearance Sale)

If even after the sale, there are remnants of poorly moving goods, then the marketplace is an excellent choice. With its help, it will be possible to sell the goods at a lower discount, freeing the warehouse under the current positions.

如果即使在售出后仍残留有货物流通不畅的情况,那么市场是一个绝佳的选择。 有了它的帮助,将有可能以较低的折扣出售货物,从而使仓库在目前的状况下解放出来。

提高SEO效率 (Increase SEO efficiency)

If only the main categories of goods are sold in the online store and the rest is put on the marketplace, then it is possible to implement the budget for SEO more effectively. The smaller the group of goods, the more consumers can be attracted using the same resources.

如果仅主要商品类别在在线商店中出售,而其余商品则投放市场,则可以更有效地实施SEO预算。 商品组越小,使用相同资源可以吸引越多的消费者。

以知名品牌工作 (Work under the famous brand)

Almost all customers who have ever been missed know about Marketplaces and trust them. Many people use them for the following reasons:

几乎所有错过的客户都了解并信任市场。 许多人出于以下原因使用它们:

  • low prices caused by high competition among sellers;

  • the ability to order goods right now, without waiting for its appearance in stock;

  • transaction security;

  • the widest selection.


选择市场的主要标准 (Main Criteria for Choosing a Marketplace)

The simplest solution is to pick the largest one. Here and a serious disadvantage for small business is competition. Thus, the most effective solution is to place on highly specialized sites that work only with your product. We present the primary selection criteria.

最简单的解决方案是选择最大的解决方案。 在这里,小企业的一个严重缺点是竞争。 因此,最有效的解决方案是放置在仅与您的产品一起使用的高度专业的网站上。 我们提出了主要的选择标准。

参考质量 (Reference mass)

If SEO is one of the main points in the development strategy of an online business, then consider the technical tools for this offered in various marketplaces. Some sites are strongly promoted, some are not. The main task is to find the perfect balance between competition and resource popularity.

如果SEO是在线业务发展策略的重点之一,那么请考虑在各种市场中为此提供的技术工具。 有些网站得到大力宣传,有些则没有。 主要任务是在竞争和资源普及之间找到完美的平衡。

产品类别 (Product Categories)

All marketplays use sorting by category for hosted products. This approach gives confidence that customers can find everything they need. Need to decide on this point: you will make a profit a small group of people consisting only of your Central Asia? Or a lot of traffic with a diverse audience?

所有市场交易都对托管产品使用按类别排序。 这种方法使客户确信可以找到所需的一切。 需要决定这一点:您会从仅由您的中亚组成的一小撮人中获利吗? 还是受众众多的流量?

服务费用 (Service cost)

Of course, accommodation costs money. Tariffs are different: someone asks for profits from sales, someone needs a subscription fee, and someone buys a package that contains specific functions. Analyze the cost and risks that you incur.

当然,住宿要花钱。 收费标准不同:有人要求从销售中获利,有人需要收取订阅费,有人要购买包含特定功能的软件包。 分析您产生的成本和风险。

使用方便 (The convenience of use)

Analyze the currencies with which the marketplace works. Is it possible to use the SSL protocol, what is the appearance of the site created within the system? All these indicators directly affect whether the investment will bring profit.

分析市场所使用的货币。 是否可以使用SSL协议,系统中创建的站点的外观是什么? 所有这些指标直接影响投资是否会带来利润。

世界市场前十名 (The Top 10 of The World Marketplaces)

There are many marketplaces available for you to use and explore. But TOP 10 world famous examples of online marketplaces here, are mentioned below:

有许多市场供您使用和探索。 但是下面提到了世界十大在线市场示例:

易趣 (eBay)

This is a multinational e-commerce corporation, facilitating online consumer-to-consumer (C2C) and business-to-consumer (B2C) sales.


Shopify (Shopify)

This is a Canadian e-commerce company that created a commerce platform that allows anyone to easily sell online, at a retail location, and everywhere in between.


亚马孙 (Amazon)

This is an American computing company that provides online shopping from the earth’s biggest selection of books, magazines, music, DVDs, videos, electronics, computers, software, apparel & accessories and many more other categories of goods.


爱彼迎 (Airbnb)

This is an online marketplace and hospitality service, enabling people to lease or rent short-term lodging including vacation rentals, apartment rentals, homestays, hostel beds, or hotel rooms. Type: peer-to-peer.

这是一个在线市场和接待服务,使人们可以租赁或租用短期住宿,包括度假屋,公寓出租,寄宿家庭,旅馆床或酒店客房。 类型:点对点。

Etsy (Etsy)

Etsy is a peer-to-peer (P2P) e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and supplies, as well as unique factory-manufactured items.


优步 (Uber)

Uber Marketplace develops, markets and operates the Uber car transportation and food delivery mobile apps. For now, this Marketplace is specific by having an only mobile app and no site. And there are many clones appear. Uber has been a pioneer in the sharing economy which means online transactions. It can be classified as peer-to-peer Marketplace.

优步市场开发,营销和运营优步汽车运输和食品配送移动应用程序。 目前,该市场是特定的,只有一个移动应用程序而没有网站。 并且出现了许多克隆。 Uber一直是共享经济(即在线交易)的先驱。 它可以分类为点对点市场。

阿里巴巴 (Alibaba)

It’s a Chinese company which provides several types of Marketplaces at the same time: C2C, B2C, and B2B.


应用商店 (App Store)

Of course! This is a digital distribution platform, developed and maintained by Apple Inc., for mobile apps on its iOS operating system.

当然! 这是由Apple Inc.开发和维护的数字分发平台,用于其iOS操作系统上的移动应用程序。

Google Play (Google Play)

Google Play, formerly Android Market, is a digital distribution service operated and developed by Google. It serves as the official app store for the Android operating system, allowing users to browse and download applications. It can work as a B2B and B2C marketplace simultaneously.

Google Play(以前称为Android Market)是由Google经营和开发的数字分发服务。 它充当Android操作系统的官方应用程序商店,允许用户浏览和下载应用程序。 它可以同时充当B2B和B2C市场。

Spotify (Spotify)

It is a music, podcast, and video streaming service. Officially it can be referred to B2C type of Marketplaces. Have you ever thought of this while listening to music?

它是音乐,播客和视频流服务。 正式地,它可以称为B2C类型的市场。 您听音乐时有没有想过?

为什么Ruby on Rails Marketplace开发可靠? (Why is Ruby on Rails Marketplace Development Reliable?)

Nowadays Ruby on Rails Marketplace Development on its peak and won’t slow down. An explanation is quite simple: speed, low cost, productivity, availability.

如今,Ruby on Rails市场开发已达到顶峰,并且不会放缓。 解释很简单:速度,低成本,生产率,可用性。

Ruby on Rails reduces the time for development in 1.5-2 times, and it is a possible present an app on the market two times faster!

Ruby on Rails将开发时间缩短了1.5到2倍,并且有可能以两倍的速度将其投放市场!

Ruby on Rails is free! You don’t need to pay anything for use

Ruby on Rails是免费的! 您无需支付任何使用费用

It’s perfect for CRM, CMS or e-commerce system, Ruby on Rails highly suitable for websites that require a lot of content input

Ruby on Rails非常适合CRM,CMS或电子商务系统,非常适合需要大量内容输入的网站

Plenty of gems, so, don’t need to reinvent the wheel, just use it. Especially that matters, when a deadline is a yesterday and budget, is super small.

因此,大量的宝石不需要重新发明轮子,只需使用它即可。 尤其重要的是,当最后期限是昨天并且预算不足时,这非常小。

But let’s take it closer. If you are only at the start of your business journey, you need to be quick. With Ruby on Rails, you will find a lot of answers to a problem you only think you might face. You’re likely to find hundreds of items on any given topic. When you’re running a sprint, such network effects are the most important consideration for a startup. All the patterns or structures you can desire already exist, you have just to configure something, and voila! This is great for rapid prototyping. A small team can get a minimum viable product into beta very quickly using tools that are fun to work with. Moreover, Rails has a history: there are many years of experience which matters a lot to startups which outsource their coding. They would prefer trusting experienced hands, and Rails developers tend to have a lot of that.

但是,让我们更进一步。 如果您只是刚开始业务,则需要快速。 使用Ruby on Rails,您会发现许多您仅以为可能会遇到的问题的答案。 您可能会在任何给定主题上找到数百个项目。 在运行sprint时,此类网络影响是启动时最重要的考虑因素。 您可能想要的所有模式或结构都已经存在,只需配置一些内容,瞧! 这对于快速制作原型非常有用。 小型团队可以使用有趣的工具快速将最低限度的可行产品纳入Beta版。 此外,Rails拥有悠久的历史:多年的经验对于将其代码外包的初创公司而言非常重要。 他们希望信任经验丰富的人,而Rails开发人员往往拥有很多。

Ruby on Rails online marketplace development has continued to dominate the tech space for many years. Ruby on Rails is leading the marketplace as one of the best solutions out there that will allow clients to be able to create new applications and choose the right options for their business. Ruby on Rails marketplace development is booming because it uses the language of Ruby and means that there are many options out there for development that will increase productivity, as well as ensure that there is a massive uptake in growth. When you look at the Ruby on Rails Marketplace Development, you will see right away that their client list is a who’s who of fortune 100 companies and that there are many who are using the platform. A few of the Ruby on Rails clients include Amazon, BBC, Cisco, Groupon, CNET, and many more.

多年来,Ruby on Rails在线市场开发一直占据着技术领域的主导地位。 Ruby on Rails是市场上最好的解决方案之一,它将使客户能够创建新的应用程序并为其业务选择正确的选项。 Ruby on Rails市场开发之所以蓬勃发展,是因为它使用Ruby语言,这意味着存在许多开发选择,可以提高生产率,并确保大量吸收增长。 当您查看Ruby on Rails市场开发时,您会立即看到他们的客户列表是《财富》 100强公司之一,并且有很多人在使用该平台。 Ruby on Rails的一些客户端包括Amazon,BBC,Cisco,Groupon,CNET等。

One of the main reasons that Ruby on Rails marketplace development also continues to be on the rise is the fact that it also assures that there is custom application development without too much of a rise in price. Ruby on Rails marketplace development ensures that there will always be a new way for companies to be able to develop custom applications out there as well for a suggested platform without huge increases in the annual IT budget. Ruby on Rails online marketplace development leads the pack because of its flexibility, scalability, and it’s affordable implementation cost.

Ruby on Rails市场开发也持续增长的主要原因之一是,它还确保了自定义应用程序开发而价格没有太大上涨。 Ruby on Rails市场开发确保了公司将始终有一种新方法,能够在不大幅增加年度IT预算的情况下,为建议的平台开发自定义应用程序。 Ruby on Rails在线市场开发以其灵活性,可扩展性和可负担的实施成本而处于领先地位。


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